myMIDI apps are iOS 4.2+ wired and wireless MIDI and iOS 5.1+ UDP apps to give the users the freedom to control their show control software.
User Feedback
"I had very good experience with "myMSC Remote." Did 2 different shows with it flawless. Sends midi show control cue's without time delay to QLab"
Roland van Meel
myMIDIremotes apps
myMIDI Spy UDP MIDI viewer over ipMIDI
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
myMSC+MTC UDP MIDI Show Control and MIDI Time Code viewer over ipMIDI
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
myMTC UDP MIDI Time Code viewer over ipMIDI
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
myMSC UDP MIDI Show Control over ipMIDI
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
MSC GO UDP MIDI Show Control “GO” over ipMIDI
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
All Stop MSC UDP MIDI Show Control “All Stop” over ipMIDI
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
All Stop MSC UDP MIDI Show Control “All Stop” over ipMIDI
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
The Big GO MIDI Show Control “GO”
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
myMSC MIDI Show Control
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
myMTC MIDI Timecode Display
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
myMSC+MTC MIDI Show Control + MIDI Timecode
for iPhone, iPod, iPad
myMIDIpad 20 MIDI hotkeys
coming Soon for the iPad
myMIDI+MSC Pad 20 MSC hotkeys
coming Soon for the iPad
myMIDIremotes HINTS and TIPS:
1.To keep the connection alive play and mute a loop of music on the iPod App. This will keep you connected to the wireless MIDI.
2.Plugging in the iOS device will also help keep the wireless MIDI connected.
3.Mac : in NetworkPreferences / Advanced / TCP/IP settings / Configure IPv6 > from Automatic to disable.
4.iPhone : in Preferences / General / Automatic Lock > from 5 minutes to Never
Action Shots
Please email us your action shots and we'll post them on the site: